Hazards of vibration in the workplace


Although the human body can easily handle strong amounts of vibration in limited doses, data collected by publications such as the Journal of the American Medical Association indicate that the sort of sustained exposure to vibration that is found in many Georgia workplaces can be very harmful and difficult to detect. Lower back pain was singled out as a symptom of vibrational exposure that may be challenging to trace back to its source.

Many experts divide the most common form of workplace vibrational exposure into two sets. The first, hand-arm vibration, was the first to be discovered and described. It is often encountered in workers who use power tools such as jackhammers or pneumatic stone working tools. Harm to the limbs may result, including such symptoms as carpal tunnel syndrome, loss of sensation, interruptions of blood supply and even necrosis.

Whole-body vibration refers to those who work with a heavy machine or engine that shakes their whole frame. This is often encountered with truck drivers and operators of heavy machinery. The vibration of the machine is not necessarily an immediate problem, but over the many hours spent at work, the cumulative harm can be intense.

Long-term conditions such as lower back pain from whole-body vibrational exposure may not necessarily be recognized and compensated properly by an employer. If there is a situation where workers’ compensation has been delayed or denied, then it may be helpful to consult with an attorney at law to discuss options for proving the injury stemmed from occupational hazards and obtaining fair redress.
