NSC names April Distracted Driving Awareness Month


Innovations in communications technology have made life easier and more productive for many Tennessee residents, but road safety advocates are becoming increasingly concerned about the number of drivers who use electronic devices while behind the wheel. The problem is particularly pronounced among younger drivers who have grown up with cellular technology. Campaigns run by the National Safety Council have generally focused on making the public more aware of emerging dangers, and the organization has named April the Distracted Driving Awareness Month.

Figures released by the NSC indicate that car manufacturers may actually be making the problem of distracted driving worse by filling the vehicles sold to Americans with so much electronic equipment. The organization says that more than half of all drivers feel that the information and entertainment features in their cars, trucks and SUVs are safe to use, but many experts disagree. They say that these features offer drivers convenience at the expense of safety, and the NSC is providing resources such as videos, posters and infographics to back up these claims.

Cellphones are singled out by the NSC as the biggest contributor to distracted driving accidents, and the organization is offering cellphone policy kits to companies that have vehicle fleets. The kits are designed to help companies implement these policies and communicate the resulting safety benefits to their employees.

Distracted driving crashes often occur at highway speeds and cause life-changing injuries, but car accident victims seeking civil remedies may face a number of challenges. Motorists may be reluctant to admit that they were acting negligently, but personal injury attorneys could review electronic records to establish cellphone use. Attorneys may also have the vehicles involved inspected to eliminate mechanical failure.
